Mars Hill

About CTK
May Calendar
Mars Hill

Mars Hill is taken from Acts 17:19. Paul came into Athens and met with the philosophers of the time and brought forth the truth about the "UNKNOWN GOD" that they worshipped.   Paul reasoned with them and stood his ground, and through him, God brought people to faith.   Our prayer is that each youth grows closer to Jesus, and will be able to stand in the midst of their "Mars Hill" and proclaim the truth that Jesus Christ is the One True God who is worthy of praise.

Take a look at past Mars Hill Events



Mars Hill Events


Pampered Chef Fundraiser May 1- May 23- This is another fundraiser for the High School NYG trip. We will get 20% for all our purchases that are made May 1- May 23.   It is so easy: 1. go to http://www.pamperedchef.biz/marenskitchen 2.click on Shop Online. 3. Search for Christ the King under organization. 4. Place your order and pay for it. You can either have it sent to the church or have it sent to a direct address.  When all the orders come in we will deliver them to you.  We will also be outside  after church for the next couple Sundays.


Mars Hill Bible Study We will be starting a new series in May called One God, Many Gods which will look into   different world religions and how they compare to our beliefs.  There will be no Mars Hill Bible study on May 9 (Mother’s Day) and May 30 (Memorial Day weekend). 


Parking Lot Sale May 8 2010 –As you probably know, we have changed the dates

for our parking lot sale.  We will be taking donations starting on May 5.  There are

many ways to help. We will start setting up on Friday, May 7 at 4pm.  We need people

helping starting at 7:30am on Saturday until 1pm.  The sale will close at 11:30am and

once we get everything to the local thrift stores then we are done. 


Manna Servant Event Saturday, May 22- We will meet at CTK at 8am and head to the Manna foodbank to stock their shelves for the day and help sort food.  Afterwards we will head to CPK for lunch so bring money.


The Habit Fundraiser Monday May 24 4pm - 9pm -Our monthly The Habit Fundraiser will be on Monday, May 24.  Pick up a flyer at church. Thank you for the great turn out last month! Let's keep it up


 Looking ahead…  Bunco & Movie Night Friday, June 18…  Bishop’s Peak Hike June 27- 28




For more information about Christ the King's Youth Ministry please contact our Director of Christian Education Bonnie Hicks at 498-2217