
About CTK
May Calendar
Mars Hill

Encounter is for youth in 6th-8th grade.  The definition of "encounter" is: to meet or come upon especially unexpectedly.  We want all of our Jr. High Youth to have that experience with each other and with Jesus.  we want them to encounter friendship, support, the joy of living a Christian life, the excitement of serving others; but most importantly we want them to have an Encounter with the living God, Jesus Christ, who saves us from our sins and brings us into a relationship with Himself.  How do we do this? -Through Bible study, service projects, retreats and fun events.  Encountering the real Jesus is the most exciting thing that can happen to our lives and our encounters with Him never end because as we grow in our faith we encounter more and more of God's awesome love and plan of salvation for us.  We pray that each youth in our Jr. High ministry Encounter Him!


Take a Look at Past Events






Pampered Chef Fundraiser May 1- May 23- This is another fundraiser for the High School NYG trip. We will get 20% for all our purchases that are made May 1- May 23.   It is so easy: 1. go to http://www.pamperedchef.biz/marenskitchen 2.click on Shop Online. 3. Search for Christ the King under organization. 4. Place your order and pay for it. You can either have it sent to the church or have it sent to a direct address.  When all the orders come in we will deliver them to you.  We will also be outside  after church for the next couple Sundays.


Encounter Bible Study    Encounter Bible Study will meet every Wednesday in

May. We will start off with a game night on the first Wednesday including pizza. 


Parking Lot Sale May 8 2010 –As you probably know, we have changed the dates

for our parking lot sale.  We will be taking donations starting on May 5.  There are

many ways to help. We will start setting up on Friday, May 7 at 4pm.  We need people

helping starting at 7:30am on Saturday until 1pm.  The sale will close at 11:30am and

once we get everything to the local thrift stores then we are done. 


Shrek Forever in 3D Movie Night Friday, May 21- Come along and see the final

installment of the Shrek movies.  We will set the time and location closer to the

release date.


The Habit Fundraiser Monday May 24 4pm - 9pm -Our monthly The Habit Fundraiser will be on Monday, May 24.  Pick up a flyer at church. Thank you for the great turn out last month! Let's keep it up


 2010 Surf Camp June 20-23-Registration is open for the 2010 Surf Camp.  The cost is $99.  We will leave on Sunday,  June 20, in the evening so you can get all your Father’s Day activities out of the way.  There will be surf lessons, rock   wall and Kayaking.  The best part of the trip is sleeping right on the beach and waking up to the waves.  If you would like to know more about the camp you can go to www.camp.ymca.org. Registration is due NOW!






For more information about Christ the King's Youth Ministry please contact our Director of Christian Education Bonnie Hicks at 498-2217